List of Companies in Yidu, China

Searching for businesses in Yidu? Explore a directory of 2 companies located in Yidu, China. Top companies in China, businesses near me.
We found 2 companies


Gaobazhou Town, Hubei, China (Mainland) Zip: 443301, Yidu
 中船重工中南装备有限责任公司 (三八八厂), 总部位于举世瞩目的三峡工程所在地——湖北省宜昌市。公司创建于1965年,隶属于中国船舶重工集团公司,是以生产各类光学镜头、精密光学仪器、光电设备、抽油泵、液压启闭机成套设备、各类工程缸、精密钢管等产业为主,集光、机、电产品的研发、制造、销售为一体的国有大型企业,是全国重点骨干保军企业。...

Yichang Maple lam Gift Company

Founded in 2004, I '. Main products toys, cosmetics, bedding products. Yidu Center is located in terrain, possession of a good geography. In the past two years. A good source. I have good service companies, door-to-door. in the future development of our compan...
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