List of Companies in Yibin, China

Searching for businesses in Yibin? Explore a directory of 8 companies located in Yibin, China. Top companies in China, businesses near me.
We found 8 companies

Martial Law Yibin Co. Ltd. Manufacturing of non-ferrous metals

644007, Yibin
Excellent history of the company is located in a long time, thousands of miles the Yangtze River --- the origin of Yibin City, water, land, rail, air traffic and transport flow. The Company was regist...


GAOZHUANGQIAO, SICHUAN CHINA, zipcode: 644000, Yibin
Type FB120-1, FB140(W) and FB160-1 closed-type briquette modeling machine, Type WTS-2, WJS-zb, twin-shaft mixer, type PCL3,PCL8, and FC3a cracker.


POSTBOX6, NANXI, SICHUAN CHINA, zipcode: 644104, Yibin
TNT, 2.4-dinitrotoluene, para-nitrotoluene, ortho-nitrotoluene, meta-nitrotoluene, 2.5-dimethylphenol, para-aminophenol, lomefloxacin hydrochloride, 1,3,5-trihy droxybenzene.

Beijing Biological Engineering Company Limited Fu Lu

Whitehead Kiu Road, Haidian District, Beijing Friendship Hotel on the 3rd Floor, 40327, 100873, Yibin
The companys products Lu days of 1997, health food products issued by the Ministry of Health approved the text of the ratification of the effectiveness of immune regulation, inhibit tumor.

Yibin City Sichuan Province King's Machinery Co. Ltd. Marketing Department

644000, Yibin
Our company is the production of printing equipment, a professional post-order manufacturers, which in the Xinhua system to be pulling a good evaluation, known as "China's first with" the reputation o...