List of Companies in Xingning, China

Searching for businesses in Xingning? Explore a directory of 3 companies located in Xingning, China. Top companies in China, businesses near me.
We found 3 companies

Ningbo Huang Tai Industrial Co. Ltd.

Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, 158, 315040, Xingning
The company is a diversified development of premium credit businesses. Existing assets of over 50 million yuan.

Shandong in the electronic Plastics Co. Ltd.

Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, Dongfeng Road Town, 528425, Xingning
The company is the new trading company in Hong Kong and in the town of Shandong Fung joint venture to set up economic development.

ZHANG Ke personal business

Is a small portable crane was born in the beginning of this century's new products, it is small size, light weight, a person will be able to carry a bike; it suspended high-speed, 6-storey building will be able to hit back two minutes; it is easy to install, m...
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