List of Companies in Nanchong, China

Searching for businesses in Nanchong? Explore a directory of 8 companies located in Nanchong, China. Top companies in China, businesses near me.
We found 8 companies


286YANANROAD, SICHUAN CHINA, zipcode: 637000, Nanchong
Canned food, Pork luncheon meat, Egg rolls with premium ham luncheon meat, Stewed pork (sliced) , Stewed pork(chops), Stewed pork leg (boneless), Stewed pork, Spiced pork haslet, Steamed pork, Pork leg with bean paste, Sliced pork (in Sichuan style), spiced po...


AIRPORT AVENUE, SC, 637000, Nanchong
reply to: allenhu(at) Dear sir: Nice day today! We are a China based company, We professional to produce and export 100% silk products more than 10 years, As a leading of 100% silk products supplier with high quality and competitive prices, We h...

Sichuan according to Nagel Bedding Co. Ltd.

637005, Nanchong
公司位于中国绸都-四川省南充市,拥有进口宽幅剑杆织机48台,有效织幅能达310cm,并建有配套的宽幅面料练白/染色车间),织绸月产量达到500000m此外,公司还生产 真丝床上用品、真丝围巾、真丝领带、真丝服装、真丝饰品等成品。...

King Bo Nanchong City Sichuan Petroleum Machinery Factory

King Bo Nanchong City, Sichuan Petroleum Machinery Factory, located in the northeast old industrial city in Sichuan - Nanchong, close to national highway 318 line, to reach the railway, into the southern high-speed, strategic location, traffic is developed. Ou...

King Bo Nanchong City Sichuan Petroleum Machinery Plant Materials Procurement Department

637107, Nanchong
King Bo Nanchong City, Sichuan Petroleum Machinery Factory, China's oil well control equipment manufacturing subsidiary branches, is committed to oil exploration, drilling equipment, R & D, manufacturing, services. China Petroleum and a member of the network e...


Mr. Jiangguo He No. 34 Zhentai Roadshunqing District, 637000, Nanchong

Soopen Fashion Co. Ltd. Sichuan

Sichuan Jialing Qu Spring River Road, south of Garment Industrial Park, Nanchong
Sichuan soopen Fashion Co., Ltd. is a clothing company, is approved for registration by the relevant departments of the State enterprises. Main women's, apparel product, the company is located in Nanchong City, Sichuan Nanchong City, Sichuan Jialing Qu Chunjia...
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