List of Companies in Karamay, China
Searching for businesses in Karamay? Explore a directory of 4 companies located in Karamay, China. Top companies in China, businesses near me.
We found 4 companies
Section millet Trade Development Co. Ltd.
Shuangyang Road, Lane 50, Shanghai No. 2 Building, Room 2308, 200090, Karamay
Economic and Trade Development Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch millet registered in Shanghai Pudong Development Zone, is a collection Branch, industry, trade and economic development as one of the science a...
Micro Energy Technology Development Co. Ltd. Xinjiang
834000, Karamay
Karamay oil field in the tower refers to oil fields, oil fields Shan Shan has a very good timing, geographical and human resources. We are in these areas for many years to run the foundation's main oi...
3 into a letter of Urumqi Trade Co. Ltd.
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. No. 34 East Road, Urumqi, 830000, Karamay