List of Companies in Jian'ou, China

Searching for businesses in Jian'ou? Explore a directory of 2 companies located in Jian'ou, China. Top companies in China, businesses near me.
We found 2 companies

Open-source power supplies Co. Ltd.

Fujian Province. Nanping City, No. 349 Zhongshan Road, 353100, Jian'ou
Open-source power supplies Co., Ltd. was established in 1997, employs nearly 30 people, is a private limited liability company. Services: All specifications, materials, models of electricity sales.

Yuguang Hydroelectric Co. Ltd.

Fujian Province. Nanping City, 365 Zhongshan Road, 353103, Jian'ou
Founded in 1994, formerly known as Jian'ou rural small hydropower joint venture under the jurisdiction of a subsidiary of 4, 15 hydropower stations, two small reservoirs, in order to Jian'ou one of the largest private power generation. Services: Providing Wate...