List of Companies in Songyuan, China
Searching for businesses in Songyuan? Explore a directory of 6 companies located in Songyuan, China. Top companies in China, businesses near me.
We found 6 companies
No.103-104, Block4, Xincheng Wenzhou Zhejiang, Songyuan
A professional group company with much experience in the production of low voltage electrical equipment, we specialize in the manufacturing of electrical accessories meeting Chinese, British and Europ...
Hengda mushroom farms
Zhejiang Province. Qingyuan County, Lishui Town, 323800, Songyuan
Qingyuan Zhejiang Hengda mushroom farm was established in 1999. Qingyuan Green Valley is located in Zhejiang, where there is the country's largest distribution center of edible fungi. There are primev...
Good music Di KTV (Qingyuan)
Zhejiang Province. Qingyuan County, Lishui Town, New Road, 96, Songyuan
Large-scale luxury KTV, has a box 11, the students will undertake large-scale gatherings such as the comrade-in-arms capabilities. 1000 square meters of business area
New Road Post
Zhejiang Province. Qingyuan County, Lishui Town, New Road, 122, Songyuan
Post new way is to engage in the postal communication and financial services of the public enterprises, mainly based on the postal business, postal value-added services, postal savings business, the p...
Wei Che-hung Motorcycle Fittings Co. LTD
Zhejiang Province. Qingyuan County, Lishui Town, New Road, 130323800, Songyuan
Our many years of 30 square meters of business area, the number of employees who service 2: to provide a variety of motorcycle accessories
Zhongshan Medical out-patient department (Qingyuan County)
Zhejiang Province. Qingyuan County, Lishui Town, New Road, 81323800, Songyuan
Court is a set of medical, scientific research, prevention, care, rehabilitation and modernization as one of the characteristics of a comprehensive specialist medical institutions, Qingyuan County, in...