List of Companies in Qiqihar, China
Searching for businesses in Qiqihar? Explore a directory of 4 companies located in Qiqihar, China. Top companies in China, businesses near me.
We found 4 companies
NO10ZHONGHUAROAD(E), HEILONGJIANG CHINA, zipcode : 161002, Qiqihar
QRRS has its products of gondola cars, Covered cars, Flat cars, Railway cranes, Long and big freight cars, Hopper cars, Special purpose cars and various fittings, which form eight series and more than 140 products, Such as the C63A gondola car, the C64 gondola...
Nguyen Eastern (individual business)
Specializing in women's production and quality to give a solemn commitment to take the world knowing each other, honesty were considerable period of time, the intersection is a lifetime friend, co-operation is the long-term interests of the!
Jiu-long Technology Co. Ltd. Qiqihaer
the second floor of 203 square digital Longmen, 161000, Qiqihar