List of Companies in Mianzhu, China

Searching for businesses in Mianzhu? Explore a directory of 2 companies located in Mianzhu, China. Top companies in China, businesses near me.
We found 2 companies


Building D2, 2-2-1, Beiguang Residential Area, FUXIN ZHEN, SICHUAN Sichuan, Deyang zipcode: 618000, Mianzhu
Our company is located in Deyang, a city typical of Sichuan - with beautiful scenery and mild climate. It occupies a total area of 16,000 square meters. We are a specialized manufacturer of amino acid...

Mianzhu City of Heng Steel Tube Factory

618400, Mianzhu
The plant products for the private sector: use of Oxygen smelting tubes, cold-drawn metal tubes, metal structures with pipe cold rolling mill spare parts, cold roll, SF three-lubricating composite mat...