List of Companies in Langzhong, China

Searching for businesses in Langzhong? Explore a directory of 2 companies located in Langzhong, China. Top companies in China, businesses near me.
We found 2 companies


NO.1, TIANSHANGGONGSTREET, SICHUAN CHINA, zipco de: 637400, Langzhong
Mainly engage in the production and sales of carpet series products, textile products, plastic products, building materials, hardware, general merchandise, chemical products, mechanical and electrical products, advertisement, hotels, real estate, automobile re...

Spirit Hanwu Langzhong Technology Co. Ltd.

637400, Langzhong
The company was founded in 2007, mainly engaged in safety and prevention products, with operating green farm food, four tourist bike! Langzhong have is a historical and cultural city in 2300, outstanding, beautiful, located in the upper reaches of the Jialing ...
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