List of Companies in Hanchuan, China
Searching for businesses in Hanchuan? Explore a directory of 2 companies located in Hanchuan, China. Top companies in China, businesses near me.
We found 2 companies
NO.16, TEXTILEROAD, MAKOUTOWN, HUBEI CHINA, zipco de: 432301, Hanchuan
The main products are yarns, threads, and fabrics. The factory can produce 6s-60s pure cotton, blending, chemical yarn, plain cloth and canvas as well as filament imitations, fur imitation, linen imitation and woolen imitation fabrics. Yarn varieties cover 21s...
Liu (self-employed)
431600, Hanchuan
Company principal place of business clothing, footwear and other daily necessities, the existing staff of 4 persons. People-oriented management is to improve staff cohesion and centripetal force terms of the decision. Team to be better and more successful comp...